Stagflation risk: what are the consequences for companies?
Between inflation and weak economic growth, the current context seems to lean towards an economic slowdown.
Between inflation and weak economic growth, the current context seems to lean towards an economic slowdown.
Benjamin Madjar looks back at the war in Ukraine and the new cash management challenges facing companies.
Sophie Susterac looks back on the last two years, marked by the crisis and corporate debt, and gives some insight into short-term financing needs in 2022.
Mid & Large Caps have been particularly vulnerable to the economic downturn and its implications (longer payment periods etc.).
The 2022 priorities of finance departments, analysis by our experts of the PwC study carried out at the beginning of 2022 among +400 companies in +10 sectors of activity
Stéphane Ravel, asset manager specialized in equity management at Le Conservateur, talks to Cashlab about the notion of cash in asset management. Can you tell us about CASH in asset management?