Reports &  White Papers 

Find out here, in the form of a report or white paper, all our analyses of current events affecting cash management.

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Livre blanc Inflation et gestion de trésorerie

Report - Managing cash flow in an agricultural cooperative

What are the main cash flow issues facing agricultural cooperatives? Find out from Xavier Cruchet, CFO of Ingredia.

Livre blanc Inflation et gestion de trésorerie

Guide - 6 key steps to implemente a Cash culture within your teams

The cash culture is an projet d’entreprise that aims to put cash at the center of performance management. 

Dossier Risque de change Cashlab

Report - Cash Management & Foreign exchange risk

Foreign exchange risk is a major concern for finance departments. How to manage it? Is it in my interest to invoice my customers in euros or in their currencies?

Livre blanc Inflation et gestion de trésorerie

White Paper - Inflation and Cash Management

Inflation has become a major concern for finance departments. What practical solutions do CFOs have to deal with inflation? 

Axeltim Cas client

Report - ESG criteria and their impact on finance departments

Based on 3 pillars, for 3 precise objectives, where do these criteria come from and what impact do they have on finance departments?

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